If you're living with someone that is struggling with addiction (whether it's your spouse, son, daughter...or another person you care about), you probably feel like you're going crazy.

Everything you've tried seems to backfire. Hoping for the situation to improve isn't enough to combat a problem this BIG. Things are going to get worse unless...

YOU do something different.

After going through the Stakeholder Sanity Program, you will know what to do and what NOT to do. You'll start to feel some control returning to your world. And, THAT will restore peace and sanity.

Sounds good? Let's get started!

In this 3-part educational program, you will learn:

  • How addiction works so that you can cut off its fuel supply
  • How to set boundaries with consequences you can hold
  • How to start healing your damaged relationship
  • What types of support you'll need on this journey
  • And, MUCH more!

Here's what you will see when you login...

And, here's what is covered in the program...

Family Living with an Addict 1

Part I

  • Understand the addictive cycle and what fuels it
  • Identify types of addiction that aren't obvious
  • Learn how the brain uses its own reward system to trick the addict
  • Know how to find your loved one in the midst of addiction
  • Recognize the threats caused by isolating behavior
Living with an Addict 2

Part II

  • Understand how we come to the decision to make changes
  • Identify effective boundaries that can be held when tested
  • Prepare in advance for testing behavior
  • Examples of boundaries that have been effective for other stakeholders
  • Learn to defuse confrontation in communication
Living with an addict 3

Part III

  • Develop awareness to regain trust in yourself
  • Identify support that is safe to rely on when you're in need
  • Understand your options for healing the trauma you've experienced
  • Tricks for developing new skills to deal with your loved one
  • What you need to focus on for your own peace and sanity

100% NO RISK

There's nothing to lose and everything at stake!

You’ll have 30 days to go through the program. If, for any reason, you feel that the program did not meet your expectations just send us an email and we will promptly issue a full refund.

Meet Dr. Gala Gorman and Charlie Frangos

Gala Gorman Headshot Cropped

Dr. Gala Gorman holds advanced degrees in human development and ministry. She uses her training and experience to facilitate the change process. She is the author of the Spiritual Approach Series™ of books focused on practical spirituality.

As a holistic life coach, facilitator and mentor, she uses her skills and experience to help people find more meaning and fulfillment in every aspect of their lives and work…especially those that are recovering from addiction.

Charlie Frangos is a LPC-MHSP (South Carolina and Tennessee). He is a Certified Practitioner in Rapid Resolution Therapy®, EMDR, is a CSAT-C and a Daring Way Facilitator.

Charlie has an extensive Recovery Tool Chest that he uses in his work with clients. He draws from a number of specialized techniques to facilitate the recovery process.

A Personal note from Charlie Frangos, LPC-MHSP

In my role as a licensed residential treatment therapist, having worked at a residential addiction treatment center in Tennessee, I intimately understand the frustration of letting people return to normal life while knowing more accountability and support is needed for progress made during our time together to stick.

What would make THE difference for my clients...ensuring that their recovery continued to progress?

Questions like this remained in the forefront of my mind for years, as I met with hundreds of clients. While everyone is different, I began to recognize patterns that lead to sustainable success. I had used similar tools in my own recovery years ago and was now able to take what I'd learned and improve it in ways that had a profound impact with my clients. So, you could say, I understand recovery from the inside out. I've made a career out of breaking down the process to help others make recovery their own.

Communicating clearly and lovingly can be challenging even when the person you're talking to is in complete control of their logical mind. When someone's brain is hijacked by addiction, it can feel hopeless. Our Conscious Dialog process makes it so much easier. You're going to need this to communicate the boundaries you are setting. Just click on the Download NOW button below to get your copy.

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