Why does drug use result in addiction for some and not others? And, why is opiate addiction so difficult to treat?
Research has shown that the use of drugs containing opiates alters the body’s ability to produce the healthy stuff that helps us deal with pain…physical and emotional. Sometimes, even without the interference of drugs, the body isn’t producing enough of what it needs to cope. It’s understandable why we so easily turn to drugs…especially when a medical doctor prescribes them. Take this approach to pain management for too long and just about anyone will end up addicted.

In its simplest form, anytime we’ve reached for aspirin to relieve a headache, we’ve turned to drugs to give us a quick fix for the problem. I’ve definitely taken aspirin or ibuprofen to relieve pain – haven’t you?
There’s a reason why drug addicts refer to using as a “fix”. The drug actually “fixes” the production of chemicals in the brain. They were in pain just a few short minutes ago and now…RELIEF. Of course, that relief comes with a pretty big price. Drug addiction is one of the most difficult addiction problems to deal with.
Drug Use Hotline for Opiate Addiction
This opiate hotlineprovides free information about the causes of opiate addiction and the various treatment methods that have been successfully used to help opiate users beat their addiction and live opiate free.
There are many different types of substances that are classified as opiates. Currently the most abused opiate is heroin. But other substances, including morphine, codeine, hydrocodone, oxycodone and still more are all types of opiates and all are frequently abused. Prescription opiates are almost as frequently abused as the more illegally obtained substances such as heroin. Some people become addicted after surgery or injury through pain management. That being said, people are abusing opiates for various reasons. Regardless of the reasons for beginning to use opiates, the continuous use of it over time can lead to physical and psychological dependence.
So, it’s clear that opiate addiction is not limited to people that are using drugs illegally. Many people who become dependent on drugs were exposed to them to deal with pain after a medical procedure. If the drug use is not carefully managed, it can easily escalate into an addiction even if the person has not had a problem in the past.
It’s important to note that discontinuing the use of the drugs…illegal or legal…may require the attention of a medical professional. Withdrawal symptoms from some opiates can cause severe physical reactions. At some point, though, the drug use must stop and the sooner the better!
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