With easy access to pornography on the internet, it’s no surprise that 90% of people asked about their sex addiction causessay that’s where it started. It’s an addiction problem that must be addressed with understanding and then education.

Parenting is a tough job. And, while most parents have put restrictions on the computer that is regularly used by their children, it’s obviously not enough. In a recent study, 40 percent of teenagers admitted that they had accessed pornography before they turned 12. This “overstimulation” is very risky during a development phase where long-term patterns of behavior are being established.
Since the brain isn’t fully developed until about 25 years of age, the years leading up to that point are crucial for establishing healthy decision-making ability. Choices that are made easily by an adult require lots of work for the adolescent. If the functioning is being impaired by any addictive behavior, the chances of maturing normally are compromised.
So, the key is education. Just say “no” isn’t effective. Rather, it’s important that there is a focus on learning about addiction and the additional risks a young person faces even when experimenting with an addictive substance or behavior.
Sex Addiction Causes Starts with Pornography
Hall’s research also found 40 per cent of teenagers had accessed pornography before they turned 12 and that 90 per cent of sex addicts blamed it for their addiction.
“What surprised me was the number who are using porn 90 per cent of the men I surveyed, and 74 per cent of the women, said they were heavy porn-users,” she told the UK’sThe Independent.
Another interesting observation…same sex schools actually contributes to the problem. It is a commonly held belief that withholding information about sex and limiting the exposure to the opposite sex will reduce the risks. Unfortunately, unless you are a recluse and avoid all media, there is no way to completely eliminate the exposure. And, without proper education, when a young person is exposed they will use their less developed decision-making capacity to explore their curiosity. The computer makes the exploration relatively easy. It’s not necessary to leave home or ingest a substance that leaves them obviously intoxicated.
The keyword here is “obviously”. Watching porn is intoxicating. Pornography – just like marijuana and cocaine – is a gateway drug. Most will use it and not become addicted, but many others will. Sex addiction causes– just like any other form of addiction – starts out with using the addictive behavior to feel good. But, that good feeling doesn’t last!
If you’re a parent, how do you supervise computer use to prevent problems? Do your children have a computer in their bedroom?
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