In this episode, we’re talking about codependence. As humans, it is virtually impossible to escape without falling prey to this affliction. Many Recovery Stakeholders share that they feel like worrying about their loved one that’s struggling with addiction is a full-time job. It can be challenging to break out of that web of confusion. You need to find a new job. . .one that prioritizes taking care of yourself. There are ways to keep codependence from consuming you.
Time Stamped Show Notes
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(Click the time stamp … if available … to jump directly to that point in the episode.)
- [01:10] -Recently, Carrie Fisher the Star Wars sweetheart suffered a heart attack on an airplane and died a few days later.
- [03:24] -Aware Appreciation.
- [05:38] -Many Recovery Stakeholders share that they feel like worrying about their loved one that’s struggling with addiction is a full time job.
- [08:39] -A lot of people who have that compulsive personality do find that they are all or nothing. They are 100% in it or 100% out of it.
- [11:25] -You will be able to identify whether those are behaviors that you want to stop. Behaviors that are borderline.
- [11:54] -Codependence is so seductive. We are tricked into believing that we will be loved and appreciated commensurate with how codependent we are.
- [12:54] -I had kicked him out before because of all the lying and stealing. Am I stupid for giving him a second chance?

Book mentioned in the episode