We’re going to discuss intervention. We’re going to see it for what it is . . . and isn’t. And, I’m going to introduce you to types of interventions that are probably new to you.
You might be wondering how to do an intervention with someone you love … or even how to stage an intervention for addiction. If someone you care about is struggling with addiction, you may find yourself watching the show Intervention and hoping for answers or insight.
Sometimes a formal intervention is the only way to stop the addictive behavior. But, stopping the behavior is not what’s needed in the long term. It’s important to approach intervention with a long-term mindset.
In this episode, you will learn:
- About the different types of intervention
- How interventions can be used to help your loved one seek treatment
- How to prepare for an intervention for your loved one
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[divider style=’left’]Time Stamped Show Notes
You can listen to the Episode right here on the RecoverYES site Using the Player Below.
(Click the time stamp. . .if available. . .to jump directly to that point in the episode.)
- [01:29] -I was brought to this post on the Huffington’s post where a scholar was talking about the risks of military intervention.
- [03:31] -Aware Appreciation.
- [05:59] -Sometimes a formal intervention is the only way to stop the addictive behavior. But, stopping the behavior is not what’s needed. . .
- [08:32] -This is extremely helpful because a lot of times families just don’t know what to do and what not to do. They end up enabling their addict loved one.
- [12:20] -The problem with this type of intervention is that as a recovery stakeholder and as a ReLOVutionary we can’t just sit around and wait for this to happen.
- [14:06] -Well my takeaway is that intervention requires a long-term treatment plan, sometimes better to start with a few counseling sessions. . .even for yourself.
- [15:40] -I was so concerned that my husband would leave that I snuck out to his car and ripped some wires out from under the hood.
If there were any specific resources referred to in this Episode, you’ll find them here.