In this episode of Recovery ReLOVution, we’re going to challenge you to focus on your own healing. It’s not just the addict that needs to recover. YOU need to recover as well. Most Recovery Stakeholders are so focused on helping their addicted loved one find their way to recovery that they have set their own needs aside. You’re not helping the addict find recovery when you’re not demonstrating what it looks like to live a full and fulfilling life. There’s only one person’s healing you can influence and that’s yours.
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In this episode, you will:
- Prioritize healing and well-being
- Relinquish control over the addicted loved one’s actions
- Accept that dealing with addicts is traumatizing, and find out how to get help
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[divider style=’left’]Time Stamped Show Notes
You can listen to the Episode right here on the RecoverYES site Using the Player Below.
(Click the time stamp … if available … to jump directly to that point in the episode.)
- [01:21] -Today, we are talking about healing for yourself and for your loved one. One of the things in the way of healing is trauma.
- [07:10] -Aware Appreciation.
- [09:24] -Can you relate to this? A Recovery Stakeholder shared that she felt guilty because she was celebrating taking the time to have her hair styled.
- [09:51] -I warned you that I’m going to turn the tables on you today. I’m going to challenge you to focus on your own healing.
- [15:13] -What you may find even for yourself is that even if your addict is finding their way through this and they are sober just dealing with sober addict can be traumatizing.
- [17:57] -Recovery Stakeholders are shocked when they meet with a therapist and are diagnosed with PTSD. Actually, it’s helpful to face the diagnosis. It should be taken seriously.
- [19:00] -This is killing me from the inside out. How do I deal with the disappointment?
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If there were any specific resources referred to in this Episode, you’ll find them here.