How can you deal with stress that isn’t likely to go away any time soon? If you’re living with an addict, your life is stressful. And, the lingering effects of stress are not to be taken lightly. If you find yourself unable to concentrate, lying awake at night, or neglecting the “to do list” of things that need attention in your own life, you are feeling the effects of stress. I’m going to help you recognize the warning signs that stress has taken control and build the stress management skills you need as a Recovery ReLOVutionary.
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In this episode, you will:
- Build the stress management skills they need to help deal with stress
- Understand what effects stress has on well-being, including mental, physical, and emotional
- Learn which kinds of stress is good and which is harmful
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Time Stamped Show Notes
You can listen to the Episode right here on the RecoverYES site Using the Player Below.
(Click the time stamp … if available … to jump directly to that point in the episode.)
- [01:44] -It was on the website talking about five ways to cut stress in a 24/7 world. This doctor, Dr. Francoise Adan, who heads integrative medicine at University Hospitals in Cleveland.
- [03:39] -Aware Appreciation.
- [05:54] -How can you deal with stress that isn’t likely to go away any time soon? If you’re living with an addict, your life is stressful. And, the lingering effects of stress are not to be taken lightly.
- [06:28] -Let’s start by recognizing the warning signs that we are under a tremendous amount of stress. First, we’ll look at obsessive thinking.
- [12:01] -Ways to deal with stress are going to help you to work your way through this. Let’s start by looking at this what’s called the picky index.
- [17:38] -When we attempt to deal with a situation while we are under the effects of tremendous stress, the outcome is not going to be good. In Episode 5, I talked about emotional triggers.
- [18:25] -My husband is going to put our 18-year-old son out on the street. His drug use and emotional immaturity is killing us. We have been maintaining a condo where my husband has been living with my son hoping he would be able to finish high school.
If there were any specific resources referred to in this Episode, you’ll find them here.