Are There Really just 3 Stages of Addiction? (It’s a continuum)

One of the mysteries of addiction is its progression. Here, I’ve answered a few questions about the stages of addiction.

If you’re dealing with addiction your own or with a family member, understanding how it progresses can restore a bit of sanity to an otherwise insane situation. And, wouldn’t it be nice to have some peace and clarity?

Addiction Help - Ask Dr. Gala
Dr. Gala provides addiction help by answering your questions to better understand how addiction works.

Question – Is there really such a thing as a mild stage of addiction?

Dr. Gala say…

Good point. But, yes, addiction usually starts out timid and gains power as it takes control over the brain’s decision-making ability. If that sounds scary, it is! Consuming alcohol is a great example. When you consume alcohol to the point of being intoxicated, it is a clear warning sign of addiction. One or two drinks typically don’t result in intoxication. More than that and, obviously, your decision-making ability was compromised since consuming alcohol to the point of intoxication puts you at risk for all sorts of trouble.

Question – If an addiction problem is severe, won’t it require inpatient treatment to deal with it?

Dr. Gala says…

Once the stage of addiction has reached severe levels, it will take more work to reverse course. That’s not to say that in-patient treatment is the only place to do that work. Most addicts reach a point where they simply cannot continue their addictive behavior. That’s the point where many make the decision to stop and have enough motivation to get through the initial pain of addiction recovery, whether they’re in a treatment facility or not. But, recovery involves more than just maintaining sobriety. To deal with the core issue that led to the addiction, it’s likely that you will need to seek the help of a therapist that specializes in addiction and/or trauma resolution.

Question – Are there really just three stages of addiction?

Dr. Gala says…

Actually, addiction is better viewed on a scale. 1 being mild or, for example, drinking to the point of intoxication once or twice a year. 10 being so severe that the addict lives from fix to fix only caring about where they’ll get their next high. As stage of addiction progresses, the addict finds that they can no longer control their addictive behavior and stay below a 5 on the scale. Most addicts are functioning between a 5 and 8 on the scale of addiction. It’s no way to live!

Can you recognize the stage of addiction and place it on a scale of 1 to 10? What are some of the signs of addiction that you think would indicate that addiction is progressing? Feel free to post your comment or question. If you would like to maintain your anonymity, use the Contact Us form here.

About the author 

Dr. Gala Gorman

Dr. Gala Gorman holds advanced degrees in human development, is a holistic life coach, and published author of the Spiritual Approach™ series of books focused on practical spirituality. She co-founded RecoverYES to support the specific needs of people dealing with addiction.
